Job Searching
I think when someone like myself gets a bit panicky about finding a job they apply for anything and everything. Gone are the days that you hold onto your dreams and have a few choice companies that you have your eye on. The result of this is getting rapid responses from what I can only describe as scam'ish sources. I got a phone call today from a very nice guy from XR Marketing, I barely remember applying to them but anyway, the guy was very impressed with my CV and as luck would have it I could come in to have an interview with the MD tomorrow. I had a few minutes of excitement before I went to do some research. I started googling XR marketing and the first google suggestion was "xr marketing scam". Great! I had almost guessed it seemed too good to be true, but I believed my CV was fairly impressive and wasn't surprised they were interested. I'm an idiot! Well it turns out that this crowd is part of the Cobra group, who I initially thought were the bad guys in G.I. Joe comics. Brilliant! I almost want to go down there tomorrow and record the interview. But its a bit like going to the Scientologists for fun, am I really sure I'm immune to their brain washing? It could end in disaster.
Cobra Group (now names Appco Group) is just one tentacle of the global direct sale scult known to some as Devilcorp.
If you go to you will find plenty of info.
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